“The Basis of Community"

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Paul the missionary preferred to be a pioneer. He preferred starting new projects to second or third-stage development of a project. Paul was a church planter and did not like to plant where someone else had already planted. His calling was to plant new churches among the Gentiles, and at this he excelled extraordinarily. Throughout this study of Romans, we have read how Paul put the good news of Jesus into perspective. He truly is the first Christian theologian, and he powerfully expounded through the Old Testament Scripture the full revelation of Christ. 

At Rome, Jewish Christians and Gentile Christians resided together—one Lord, one faith, one baptism—one people. Paul was the first to energetically tear down any wall separating Christians from Christians based on ethnicity or religious background. Because Christ is all in all, there is no legitimate justification for separation. Christ has born in His own flesh those former differences. Because of the cross, we are one in the Spirit and one in the Lord. 

ROMANS 15: 1-7

1 We who are strong ought to put up with the failings of the weak, and not to please ourselves. 2 Each of us must please our neighbor for the good purpose of building up the neighbor. 3 For Christ did not please Himself; but, as it is written, “The insults of those who insult you have fallen on me.” 4 For whatever was written in former days was written for our instruction, so that by steadfastness and by the encouragement of the scriptures we might have hope. 5 May the God of steadfastness and encouragement grant you to live in harmony with one another, in accordance with Christ Jesus, 6 so that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. 7 Welcome one another, therefore, just as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God.†


French existentialist philosophers of the last century—guys like Albert Camus and Jean Paul Sartre—grieved that only other academics read their papers, so they began to write stories and plays as a means to agitate the masses. One of Sarte’s plays is called “No Exit.” It is a picture of Hell in which three people share a hotel room. That’s it—three people, because they are all so utterly broken and distant from God, create Hell for one another. 

This same point is made with most excellent humor by one of the great comic sketches of our time: the “Sorry” sketch by Carol Burnett, in which a couple and her mother attempt to spend a pleasant eventing playing the boardgame “Sorry.” Of course, like Sartre’s characters, these three are so competitive and filled with deep-seated hostilities that their pleasant game is undermined by fierce competition.   

With such over-the-top spite and gloating, they ring the bell at each other and exult in saying, “Sooooorrryy!” It is comic gold, up there with Abbot and Costello and Monty Python. 

It’s just a game, but the over competitive spirit sucks away all the joy and skews everyone’s perspective.

Lombardi is Wrong

We Netflixed a short series on Donald Trump’s earlier career—we needed a good follow-up to “Tiger Man”—and a couple of his comments really caught my ear. This younger Donald Trump said he believed there were two kinds of people in this world: predators and prey.  He believed the path to success requires a killer instinct. As he observes the world, there are the competitors and the non-competitors, and in every contest, it is the competitors who come out on top. 

I imagine he would have agreed with Coach Vince Lombardi’s famous quote:  “Winning isn’t everything; it is the only thing.” 

One of the ideas that has shaped the modern world is Charles Darwin’s Natural Selection. Boiled down to a formula, it is the law of the jungle, survival of the fittest, and has blossomed into the western idea of rugged individualism and self-reliance that has put America on top of the world. 

Now I’m not knocking the President here. The role of any president is to help the nation preserve itself and to persevere in its mission and values. Remembering Romans 13 from a few weeks ago, even Nero rebuilt Rome and God has these people in place as secondary agents of His providence and order. Our presidents are not spiritual leaders; they are competitors (or have you never seen a party debate?), and we expect our nation’s leaders to serve our national interests. 

Competitiveness still defines excellence in our society. Our education system is designed to foster self-reliance and competition. Colleges are still ranked by how competitive they are—the more competitive, the harder to get in and the higher prestige of the degrees.  (Let me be clear: this is not all bad! We raise children to become independent so they, in time, can build nests of their own).

Even so, the human value of competitiveness has clear downsides. For one, it fosters a view of humanity that categorizes people as winners or losers without much in between, and  that is an extremely immature spiritual worldview.

The gospel runs directly against this worldview—let’s be clear. Jesus is the last person the world looks to for “winning”(spoken like Charlie Sheen). Ted Turner, the CNN mogul, said it plainly: “Christianity is a religion for losers.” And he is right. Jesus is the ultimate loser, in the worldly sense. Think of it: he did no wrong, only good, and yet he got crucified for the sins of the world. It is impossible to imagine a more extreme “patsy” in the sense of a poor loser who takes the guilt rap for someone else’s crimes. 

“Blessed are the meek, the poor, the defeated,” says Jesus. What is He saying but “Blessed are the Losers of this world”? The Bible announces, from Genesis through Revelation, that the favor of God is not with the winners, but with the losers: the non-competitive, the also rans, and the prey rather than the predators. 

How on Earth, then, did Christianity—when and how did The Church—ever come to adopt and give in to this thinking? Christianity is for winners? I’m sorry Joel Osteen and Fellowship of Christian Athletes—you’re dead wrong!  

Certainly it is in our animal nature—our human nature—to self-serve and self-preserve. The “looking out for Number One” code is as natural to us as are the drives to eat, sleep, reproduce, and survive—but why and how did followers of Jesus and His teachings ever come to make a kind of virtue of it? 

Psychologically, this hyper-competitive attitude is appropriate to adolescence, but not adulthood. We indulge this human instinct as sports fans—which is good, clean fun—but when it comes to how we live our lives and how we view other human beings, it quickly reveals itself to be heresy. Context matters. In shallow things—Super Bowl, game of Monopoly, tennis, golf, bridge—competitiveness is fine. We play to win, but we remember that it’s just a game (Sorry, Vince Lombardi). In deeper, serious matters of life, we adopt a different code, the gospel: agapé love, letting others win, looking out for number 100, number 2000, and number 7.8 billion.  

Beyond Number One

As followers of Jesus, we have to get beyond the idea of “looking out for number one.” What does life after number one look like? It looks like true community, and it is exactly what God calls us to—and Paul addresses it in today’s text. 

15:1  “We who are strong ought to put up with the failings of the weak, and not to please ourselves.”

“Pleasing ourselves” translates to looking out for number one. True community demands that we get beyond that code.

Part of looking out for number one includes caring for our own—our family and friends—this, too, is part of self-preservation. It grows tiresome to my ears to hear popular churches drone on about being great “family churches,” as if loving your own children constituted some kind of Christian virtue. Be clear: it does not. Yes, we should love our spouses, love our children and raise them in wisdom, but this is not Christianity; it is just our nature. Most mammals do something similar out of instinct alone. Should we really think that if we act in line with our animal instincts it is Christian goodness? No. 

Love of family is just self-love once-removed. Jesus reminds us that everyone loves those who love them back. Just as it is no particular accomplishment-of-love to love our friends, so it is nothing special to love our own children. Atheists do the same and do it every bit as well. It is collective self-preservation—a form of self-love.

Also instinctual is our drive to be in community at all. This, too, is just that—an  instinct—the animal herd instinct by which the individual is less vulnerable to being preyed upon. The gathering instinct is, in part, a way of self-preservation by hiding out within the bigger crowd. 

So just because you’re part of a church community doesn’t make you some kind of a saint. You may be just looking out for number one within the warmth of the herd. To love one’s church is not necessarily the same thing as loving the Lord of the Church. 

Yet another element in natural selection is seen in the ways we group—the ways we form our cliques and support groups. We tend to gather like with like. 

Decades ago, when I was a youth pastor in Oklahoma, we built up a small groups ministry. At one point, we had a demographic bubble—30 girls in the 8th-grade girls’ covenant group—which is not a covenant group, but a fellowship group. I did what had to be done and announced that there would be three girls’ covenant groups for 8th grade. Girls—and some of their parents—protested wildly. We held a big powwow with everyone gathered together. Girls were scared to death that they might get separated from their friends, so they let me know how they would like to divide the groups; namely, a cool girls’ group, a slightly-less cool girls’ group, and an uncool girls’ group (they used different terms, of course). I refused and had to fend off rotten tomatoes as I explained that we were going to let God’s providence decide who would be in which group by pulling names from a fishbowl. Everyone disapproved at first, but by the end of the meeting, all accepted that God was in control, and there would be a reason why the groups lined up as they did. 

There were shrieks of joy and tears of outrage as I pulled the names creating the new groups. We prayed and asked God to lead us all to understand why the groups took the shapes they did. Ultimately, everyone was fine and no replacements were made. The girls were extraordinarily brave through this, and their parents were nearly as brave. 

The truth is, we hate this kind of thing because is violates our nature to group with people according to our own whim. We like to be with people like us. This too is part of self-love and self-preservation.

In Rome, Jewish Christians preferred other Jewish Christians and Gentile Christians preferred other Gentile Christians, and Paul seriously wants that kind of natural selection to end in Jesus’ name. 

No Christian Elite

There can be no such thing as elite Christianity. We can have no elites, no “A Team”-ism in our grouping. The Church from day one has been patently anti-elitist.

The Church can never be a church of the intelligent, or the pious, or the highly-committed, or the woke, or the terribly sincere. The church cannot encourage social climbing, or gathering the strong with the strong, successful with successful, or mighty with mighty. There is no equivalent to the Billionaires’ Club in the Body of Christ—no country club-ism; the Church is the anti-country club.

It is a hospital for broken sinners. A Losers’ Club, not a winners’ club, as in Jesus’ -parable of the Great Banquet. The Church is a gathering of the gatherable. 

Whenever we feel that human instinct that whispers to us, “Let’s gather like with like,” we need to recognize it, call it out, and pursue the other path. 

Even so, the Church through the world has a lot of work to do on this, for we are exactly what I’ve said we should not be: gatherings of the successful, or the intelligent, or the especially pious, the especially sincere, the most committed, the most woke, the most popular. These are our denominations, and these gatherings—when taken seriously—violate the word and spirit of Christ. Look again at John 17 and read Christ’s heart for unity there. As Paul says: 

“We who are strong ought to put up with the failings of the weak, and not to please ourselves.” Romans 15:1

This is the code of love, the code of  Christianity, the code of the basic community that lives beyond looking out for number one. 

While our denominations do indeed fiddle around with Ecumenical movements and efforts, these remain deeply flawed, usually looking to some center other than simple faith in Christ—be it politics, economics, or some other inessential center.

Our best hope for unity has little-to-nothing to do with our denominations, except that we begin by taking none of them too seriously. 

The best work begins with us—with you and me—in our pews, our small groups and gatherings. 

When we abandon be right, being correct, being winners, and simply confess that we are losers for Christ’s sake. 

And we are losers for Christ’s sake, for Jesus loves losers and gives himself for the lost, the also rans, and numbers 100, 2,000, and 7.8 billion. 

May we lose to this world in order that we attain to Christ’s win on our behalf. And may we in our winning win for others just as Christ has won, is winning, and shall win for us. 

                                              © Noel 2021